Wednesday 25 June 2014

Time for school!

This last year has without a doubt been the fastest of my life. Sometimes I wish I could just press the pause button while I try and catch my breath once in a while.  L has his last day at nursery tomorrow. His very last day. How on earth did that creep up so quickly?! My little man is growing up and will soon be venturing into the big world of school. I have such mixed emotions about it all. I'm a bit frightened and anxious about how he will cope in such a big environment. I see him as a tiny little fish in a big huge pond. I visualise him at lunchtime in the dinner hall buying his lunch and carrying his tray to a table to sit down. It makes me want to cry. Imagining him in a crowded, noisy room, without me to help and guide him. It makes me very nervous. On the other hand I'm excited for him to start this new chapter in his life. He is ready for school and ready to learn a lot more. He is interested in things and starting to ask questions about things and I'm sure school is going to be fantastic for him. It will be me who has to get used to the change, not him. He will take it all in his stride while I worry quietly at home.

My baby girl had her first birthday last month. It really does feel like she was just born yesterday. She is becoming such a big girl and I love watching her grow and develop. We got some good news at the hospital regarding her tests at Yorkhill. Everything is looking healthy and normal so just need to get her MRI done and assuming all is ok with that then we will be discharged from the consultant and just under the care of the eye clinic for them to monitor her vision as she grows. She is such a little character and you can see she dotes on her big brother. She gets excited when L enters the room and follows him around grabbing at him. They take toys from each other which is quite funny at times! L can be very sweet when R is trying to grab his lego and he often goes to get her some 'baby toys' so she leaves his toys alone! It's taken a while but there is a sibling bond being forged and it's beautiful to see.

Apparently life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. It just happens. It passes us by without ever truly appreciating it. In the whirlwind of work, running a home, being a wife and raising 2 children you kind of get lost in time and the days quickly roll into weeks which roll into months. Before you know it another year has passed. Then 2, then 5... I remember being pregnant with L and having all of these lovely ideas of what he was going to be like and how I would parent him - not realising that it was really out of my hands and life was going to take a turn a road I wasn't expecting. That was 5 years ago. Five years have passed in the blink of an eye. I hope the next 5 years don't pass by so quickly. Life is precious and painfully short. It's very scary how fast this roller coaster can travel. All anyone can really do is hold on and enjoy the ride!