Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas time! I know people say this all the time, but really, where does the time go?? How can it be Christmas?! It feels like L started school a week ago. To think he has completed a full term at school is crazy. I'm starting to feel panicked - as if I'm going to blink and it will be summer and he will be finished P1 and getting ready for P2. I love how much L loves his teacher so the thought of him moving on is a little unsettling. And even though I know it's still a long way off, the frightening realisation is that it really isn't. L is still coming on leaps and bounds at school. He recently asked if he could have a friend from school come to his house to play. I almost keeled over as it was so unexpected but another example of how good an influence school is having on him and how much he is growing and changing. I contacted school about it and they in turn contacted the boys mum who seemed happy to have her number passed on to me so I'm going to call her through the week and see if we can arrange something. L is notoriously bad for sharing his toys but hopefully all will go well!

So back to Christmas! L was super excited last night and I thought I was going to have to scrape him off the ceiling at times. After finally getting him to bed he slept until 8am and then rushed downstairs to see what Santa had brought. His face was a picture (as was R's!) when they saw all the new toys and at bedtime tonight he said he had "a nice day" and then asked me if I had a nice day. He was very lovely opening presents, remembering to say thank you to everyone and when his grandparents left he said "thanks for coming" which made me smile. I'm so used to prompting him to say these things so it's nice when he says them by himself. My little man is maturing all the time.

I've been keeping a close eye on R over the last few months. She is now a year and a half and still isn't really talking yet. She has one 'real' word - no - and she uses this often and in context but other than sounds and lots of babbles she has no other real speech. For a child of this age with an older sibling with autism I fear it doesn't bode well for us. But of course autism is a lot more than just not talking - it's communication as a whole. And she does communicate quite well, but I'm starting to see it as a bit one sided. Lots of what she wants rather than shared appreciation as such. I've heard before that autism is very difficult to spot in girls as the classic signs that show in boys are rarely there so at this stage I'm still not quite sure but I'm beginning to get that same feeling and I know it all to well not to ignore it. When L was her age I knew he had autism and I had already been to the GP to have him referred but with R I'm not as certain but alarm bells are starting to ring so I will keep a close eye on her. L is due a review with his paediatrician so my intention is to take R along to L's next appointment and cut out the middle man so to speak. I feel like I already know what the outcome of this is going to be - my instinct is rarely wrong - but I actually feel ok about it. What will be will be for all of us so I'm not going to waste my time worrying about it. R is who she is and will be who she will be. I just need to look at L to know that she will be just fine.