Sunday 12 January 2014

Not Fair

L has been back at nursery a week and seems to be having some issues regarding his taxi transport to and from nursery. L normally gets dropped off first on the way home, but before Christmas, the driver and escort started taking the other boy L shares the taxi with home first a couple of days a week and this was upsetting L so I got nursery involved and they spoke to the taxi and told them to change it back to L getting dropped off  first but they didn't so me and S collected him on these days to save him from getting upset. I think the whole thing has confused L and he got upset several times last week and didn't want to go in the taxi at all. There have been lots of other niggles with the taxi since L started at nursery and over the weekend any mention of the taxi has got him upset so it looks like I might have to start taking him to and from nursery. I hate seeing my little man unhappy and this seems to be causing him a lot of anxiety and I will do what I can to make him more comfortable. It angers me so much that the taxi has this contract yet the people involved know nothing about autism, and how important it is to keep the children's routines the same. I've spoke to them several times about L and autism and I'm sure they think I'm exaggerating and actually making things up because L is very good at keeping quiet and appearing to be fine on the outside and then exploding once he is home and in his comfort zone.  It's just a massive inconvenience we could all do without. And the reason they started dropping the other boy off first was because it was 'fairer' that way. Yeah right. Them trying to be fair has caused my son some major upset which I'm now having to try and fix. I have no idea what is going to happen now regarding it but I think I need to have another talk with nursery and if nothing changes we will just scrap the taxi altogether. I hope this week is a better one.

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